Thursday, June 30, 2011

God Appointments

Ever have those moments where you just feel like you're in the "right" place at the "right" time? Lately, I've come to think of them less as coincidence and more as God appointments. I'm apparently at one right now.

Yesterday my mom came to get her hair cut and our hair stylist informed her that she needed someone to cover the reception desk today. My mom asked if I wanted to do it and I said sure why not? It's money in my pocket and experience for the future, right? Anyway, I'm sitting here today and I'll be honest - it's been pretty slow and boring. But my "boss" just got a call that one of her clients passed away. This news coming on the heels of the death of another one of her clients. Needless to say, it's been a rough week for her. Now she's trying to keep it together for her last 3 clients of the day. She got off the phone and looked at me with tears welling in her eyes and felt compelled to apologize to me. I quickly asked if she needed a hug (honestly, I didn't know what else to say or do). When she nodded, I grabbed her and pulled her close.

Right place, right time? I'd say so. I'm so grateful I took the job despite the urge to just be lazy and sit at home today. I love it when I get to be Jesus with skin on.

Monday, June 27, 2011

It makes me want to puke

3 years later and I'm still dealing with nonsense stemming from that ridiculous jerk? Really Eowyn? Well it's official: the man that was once my fiance is now the fiance of the girl I once called best friend. Complicated enough for you? It's like I got drug into a stupid love triangle and apparently I'm going to have to continue to be informed/annoyed/haunted by the whole thing until Jesus comes to get me. I don't have a lot to say on the subject because I don't really know exactly how I feel right now. I can honestly say (with God as my witness) that I wish them all the best as I lean my head over the toilet to dispose of what was once a delicious dinner. Graphic, yes! A pretty accurate description of how I feel at the moment, oh yeah!
Jeremiah 29:23