Friday, January 29, 2010

Ok. Time to Blog...

It's been awhile so I really need to update everyone on what's been going on lately.

First of all, after working out pretty much everyday for a month, I have gained weight! How is that possible? It is quite annoying to be completely honest. I've heard the cliche "it's because you're gaining muscle." Well that's wonderful, but I want the number on the scale to go DOWN, not up. I don't want to prefice questions about my weight with "well I have alot of muscle." No one cares about that. They care about the number. AND I WANT THE NUMBER DOWN!

Anyway, moving on. . .school started but I have not. Why am I putting it off again? I don't know. I just can't bring myself to break open those books and get after it again. Senioritis is definitely beginning to set in. And yes, I am a senior. After a quick summer semester at ASU, I should complete my final classes at SAGU in the fall and GRADUATE FROM COLLEGE! Am I the only one totally excited about this? I think right now, the answer would be yes. But everyone else should jump on the excitement train soon. :D Just a suggestion.

As far as what I want to do after college, the idea of certifying and becoming a high school English teacher is becoming more and more a reality. For all of you who think I'm crazy, I agree. Haha. But I love high school! I love everything about it. I don't know why. I'm just special in that way. I think I would be much too harsh on small children, so I will do my best to avoid them in an attempt to keep therapy at a minimum.

(Note: I am NOT harsh to Grayson and Ellie for all of you momentarily concerned. But I'm not harsh on them because I don't have to correct their grammar or grade their papers. . .teach them how to read. This is where I would probably get pretty intense. Please don't freak out. I love those kids! Too much at times.)

Plus I am almost done with the rewrite of the book I started at Master's Commission. One of my teachers is super excited about it and has been extremely helpful in giving me advice about pursuing the publishment (is that a word?) of it. She asked to read some of it today. AHHHH! I'm a little panicky about sending her some, but I suppose it'll be good for me. . .right?

Okay, so this wasn't really a quick update; it was a long update. But everything I said was really important. Haha. At least I think so. Until another time. . .

(PS I totally posted in this ice blue color because there is snow on the ground. . .again! 3 times in one year! That's more than I've seen in my whole life. Haha)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Who had to go to the next loop on their belt??


Wow only a week and I'm already having to tighten my belt? That's super exciting. I'm also really excited that Bible Study has been moved to Thursday nights because last night Rhonda, Mom and I went to Zumba class. It was a blast! I think I found my new Tuesday night activity. :D Man, at this rate I'll be emaciated by the time the wedding rolls around. Okay, that is highly unlikely....but I should be looking extra good. Hooray! I'm hoping to go to Water Aerobics tonight. I'm like an exercise addict.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Revenge Weight Loss Anyone?

Not like anyone reads this anyway, but I'll post for my own satisfaction. As of today, I have officially finished 1 week of daily exercise consisting of at least 30 minutes. Why the sudden influx of healthy choices you ask? No it's not just a New Year's Resolution. It's something I've been wanting to do since I came home from Europe. Things just didn't work out until now. Aside from that, however, is the plan and simple fact: revenge! (Thanks Rhonda for coining that phrase for me.) An old friend from Master's texted me about 2 weeks ago and requested that I be a bridesmaid in her wedding. I'll give you three guesses as to some of the other guests. Yes, none other than the backstabbers. The wedding is 2 months away, so I have quite a bit of work to do. The thighs were initially screaming, but have now been drown out by the screams of the abs. But the motivation is extreme so it has yet to be a struggle to go. Who's gonna be looking hott and making people regret their idiot mistakes??? Oooo! Ooooo! Pick me! Pick me! I will! I will! Hah. Sometimes "revenge" is oh so sweet.

Advice I've received so far: 1) Get a date. Pay someone if you have to. Make sure you're not alone. 2) If the weight loss doesn't work out, go to Dillards and invest in some Spanx. 3) Kill them with kindness.

All sound advice I'd say. I went to Abilene to get my dress and they didn't have my size so I had to order it. It's not supposed to be in until February 22nd. The wedding is the 27th. Here's hoping major alterations are NOT needed! Anyway, exercise is fun. Looking foward to Zumba class tomorrow. Hopefully posts of extreme progress will follow....