Friday, May 21, 2010

It's time... start the remodel process. I finally finished cleaning up my room. Today I took pictures of my room so I can always remember the way it looked as I grew up. It was kind of sad, but exciting at the same time. Tomorrow I'll begin the painful process of taking everything off the walls and removing ALL.THE.MILLIONS.OF.STAPLES! And I do mean millions. I apparently didn't want things to come off the wall...EVER! Hahaha. As I take down souvenirs that have been safely displayed on my walls for all these years, I will put them in a safe place to be scrapbooked later. It's gonna be so weird to see my room revert to the state that it began in when I was in first grade. Yeah, I moved into this room when I was in first grade with baby pink walls and a bunny border. I've only added to the decoration since then. Now it's time for a change. I suppose I really am growing up. Wow, strange feeling. Well let the change begin!

Pics coming soon I promise!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

He said "Yes!"

Haha, no I didn't propose. Well I kinda did but it was marriage. Today I pitched the idea for my bedroom and bathroom renovation to my dad. I was a bit nervous about how it would go, since I'm going from the baby pink walls with the bunny border to turquoise. But, he took it surprisingly well and was on board with all my ideas. Well some convincing was required on a few items (like painting all the furniture black with white accents), but for the most part he just listened and agreed. He seemed a bit more sentimental to see the room change than I was. Haha

I think I did a wonderful job explaining everything and proving that I had a clear idea and plan so it wouldn't be an unfinished job for all eternity. I'm super excited to get started. First step: Finish cleaning. :( I have to get everything kinda put away before I can about pulling it all out of the room. Why, you ask. Because it makes less of a mess all over the house if things are pulled out in chunks rather than having seventeen random piles of random stuff sitting all over the living room floor in the entryway. At least this is what my mom says. Haha.

It's gonna be a big project! The tasks include:
1) Remove all items from the wall.
-Remove wallpaper.
-Scrapbook all memoribilia.
-Shadowbox keychains.
-Reframe posters.
-Remove all staples. (Quite a'll understand why when you see all that's on the walls.)
2) Paint the walls.
3) Repaint 2 shelves, my TV stand and my chest of drawers.
4) Hang new curtains.
5) Rehang items on the wall.
6) Put on new bedspread. :)

Bathroom: (much simplier)
1) Paint.
2) New shower rod and curtain.
3) Decorate walls.
4) New towels, rugs and toothbrush holder, etc.

I'll do my best to get the cleaning done tomorrow and then it'll be time to start start taking things down. Hooray for change! (Mark this down as I usually HATE change. Point-and-case: my bunny border from kindergarten when we built the house.) I'll be posting regularly once the project starts so you can all keep up with the progress. Pictures to come soon! Hooray again! :)