Sunday, October 25, 2009


By this I mean my tonsils. Oh my goodness! is an estimate of the space between my two severely swollen tonsil: from here (........) to here. As you can see, this is clearly not alot of space. I know what you're thinking, "You need to have those out!" Yes, yes I do. However, with the women's retreat in a little less than 2 weeks and 4 dramas to perform that night, they must hang out with me a little longer! They don't hurt (THANK GOD!). They're just difficult to eat/breath through. There is slight concern about possible suffocation during sleeping. Hoping this does not happen for obvious reasons. So yeah...there is alot of nursing going on. Any suggestions on how to keep them content for a wee bit longer?

Friday, October 23, 2009


First of all, this is a very fall-tastic color for my font and I'm loving it!

Second of all, this post is pretty much nothing more than my attempts to find something to do - other than schoolwork that is! It is a lovely day! Chilly, but not freezing, with a big blue sky and a yellow sun. As a result of such a lovely day, I am feeling rather musical and feel like dancing around the kitchen in my socks (it's easier to dance when you're wearing your socks) to all the love songs I recently downloaded for the Women's Retreat. Yet, I can't be dancing because I have a TON of work to be doing. So instead I'm listening to music and fiddling around on the computer and still not doing any of the work I need to do.

Let me just sum up how this is working: I don't want to do anything that needs to be done and I want to do everything that doesn't need to be done; and that is precisely what I am doing. I feel like Paul. "What I want to do, I do not do, but what I hate I do." Just reverse that and you have a perfect description of my current activites.

I kinda feel like writing but I have several dramas and papers that need to be written and I can't really feel justified in writing some nonsensical future book stuff when I have other items that legitimately need to be written.'s forever the struggle between fun and work. Work loses that battle about 99.99999999999999999% of the time.

You know what else I want to do? SHOP! It's fall, leading everyday toward winter and I cannot be more excited. I get to buy new clothes this winter because all my old ones no longer cover my stomach. It's weird how shirts do that. The sleeves are fine, but the rest is too small. Anyway, there are shirts and pants and belts and boots and purses and hats and scarves and jewelry and mittens and jackets and about a zillion other things calling my name and saying "Buy me! Add me to your wardrobe! I'll be the perfect addition to your already bulging closet - I promise!" And I am listening to them; and my closet is growing and my bank account (this is just figurative as I don't really have my own bank account yet) is shrinking! Warning: If you already have a shopping addiction, DO NOT go to Europe as this only feeds one's desire for accessories, fashionable clothes and cute hairstyles! Yes, it's true. I fell victim to the European fashion craze. It's the only logical explanation for my spending an hour curling my hair today for the Missionette's sleepover this evening. Crazy I know. It's like I'm girly now or something weird like that. Tomorrow's agenda: Shopping. (I think I need an intervention!)

Anyway, this is a long post as all my posts seem to be. I shall bring it to an end and attempt to get some work done before this evening. It's really not looking good though - I must admit. Oh well. There's always Monday! :D

Monday, October 12, 2009

More than a "wonderful" weekend...

So I had a downright dreamy weekend. :) For those of you who are still out of the loop, I'm currently in a relationship with a boy in Odessa. So this weekend, despite several setbacks, I was able to go and see him. It was absolutely fabulous! I had a marvelous time! Some of the highlights:

  • Giants hugs - all weekend long!
  • Falling asleep on him during Meet the Robinsons and waking up to find him staring at me with a smile on his face. So sweet!
  • Understanding when I'm upset about something and pushing me to tell him what's wrong and being able to spill my guts, tears running down my face while he just.....listens. No interruptions or attempts at advice - just pure listening until I'm all spilled out AND THEN advice. But that wasn't until he felt he actually understood how I felt. I was having trouble putting it into words and he said "That's what we have music for. Think of a song." and when I failed at that, a simple "Can you try to explain it?" Honestly, he's the sweetest guy I've ever met. On top of all this awesomeness - he held me close and patted my shoulder while I cried.
  • Being appreciated for little things like making the bed and straightening his room while waiting for him to get off work.
  • Meeting his friends and having them at least act happy that you're there hanging out with them.
  • Laughing as we tried to decide which NFL football player I should marry. Haha!
  • Being allowed to beat him at a video game because he knew it would make me smile! :)
  • Meeting his parents, despite fears of being "grilled to death."
  • Being accepted by his parents and NOT being grilled to death.
  • Getting to pick Sonic for dinner though he doesn't really like it.
  • Watching Sunday Night Football on his laptop! Go Colts! :D
  • Having him set-up an imaginary match between the Colts and Titans on Madden when the internet broke, just 'cause he knew I wanted to watch the game.
  • A gentle "I hate to see you go." amidst a final squeeze good-bye.

Sigh......add to all of that: a TON of laughter at random silly things that no one else would probably understand, the sharing of secrets between us, sneaking glances and smiles, and talk of the future; and you have a recipe for the best weekend ever! Haha it was supremely great! :D

Friday, October 9, 2009

So yeah......

So I feel like I need to blog, but I don't feel like I have anything to blog about. Nothing exciting is really going on right now. :/ It's just the same old stuff that goes on everyday. My life seems to be a neverending flow of school and work. Don't get me wrong I absolutely LOVE my job and my adorable kiddos; we just haven't done anything that exciting lately. Ellie's about to start potty-training so I'm sure I'll have some exciting details to post about that before long. :) Plus I'm getting pretty excited about the Women's Retreat coming up in November. It's gonna be A-mazing!!!! (Yes, I did just use 4 exclamation points. I'm serious about it.)

But other than that, there's not too much going on. Well, I get to go see my darling boyfriend this weekend which is super exciting. At least, I hope it'll be. Haha. We're gonna watch football together on Sunday. I'm pretty excited about that.

Hmm...maybe I had more to be excited about than I thought. I guess I just needed to think about it. Well that's cool! :D Okay, now I must quit procrastinating schoolwork and take my test on Homer! I know, I know...Lord be with me!