Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Old Pictures

So I was cleaning out some old papers in preparation for the remodel and I found a bunch of old pictures from when I was in Master's Commission. I was a lot happier then. My eyes show it. Life was just genuinely easier becuase I had friends. Friends that didn't last, but friends nonetheless. I done with this season of loneliness? Good Grief! Can I get some more friends PLEASE??? I really don't think that's too much to ask.

::Tonight I'm screaming out to the stars. He knows He owes me a favor.::

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I Can't Wait... be able to post about the redecoration of my bedroom and bathroom. It's gonna be super awesome! I'm so excited. Now all I have to do is finish school up and tell my dad.

No he doesn't know yet. Let's try and keep it that way.

It's not that I don't want him to know or am scared of what he'll say. It's more I need to be ready to it when I make the announcement because he'll be gunk-ho and it'll be done in no more than a week. He'll get all impatient if I'm not ready when he is. Haha.

Plus there's still a lot to be decided. I have a pretty good idea on paint for the walls, colors for the furniture, pictures for the walls, new bedding and curtains, and shower curtains and bathroom accessories.

Hurry up and be done school so I can move on to more fun things! Gosh!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Singin' in the Rain...

Last night as I emerged from the YMCA after an intense Zumba class, the sky was pouring down rain. It was a lovely sight. As mom and I walked to the car and became soaked, I was taken back to my childhood days of playing soccer in the rain. I could have stood out there all evening feeling the cool water drop onto my warm sweaty skin. It was running down my face and it was glorious! I was sad to get into the car and go home to dry safety.

Ahhh.......the memories of youth.......

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Am I Done Yet?

In true childlike fashion I find myself repeatedly asking, "Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" Is it December? Am I finally done with this idiot event called 'school'? Can I move on to something more exciting now? Please? Pretty please with sugar on top?

Don't get me wrong: I love education and learning new things and am not really in any hurry to get older. However, I am so beyond over on this whole online school nonsense. College is supposed to be the experience of a lifetime. What am I experiencing? Boredom? Check!

I am so looking forward to summer school in June. I know, I know. Who looks forward to summer school? PEOPLE WHO NEVER GET TO SOCIALIZE WITH KIDS THEIR OWN AGE - that's who. I have like 2 friends my age and they're all currently busy getting ready to graduate. Wish I was facing those stresses. I'm so ready to be done that I'm taking 6 classes in the fall. Just so I can finish and do something else with my life. I'm thinking about getting my teaching certificate or getting a degree in Interior Architecture. Not sure yet though. I just know that if I NEVER EVER have to take another class online it'll be too soon.

In retrospect, if I had it all to do over again, would I do it differently? You bet your boots I would! I'd do it completely differently! What seemed like a good plan at the time turned quickly into a nightmare that I was stuck in! Hasn't it been worth it though? No way! Not even close! I'd trade the few heartbreaking lessons I've learned for a couple of good friends and a homecoming bonfire anyday. Oh well, no use crying over spilt milk I suppose. Nothing left to do now but mop it up and try to move on with what I've got left.

But have no doubt in your mind....I'M READY FOR SOME CHANGE!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

"Already Pretty" Post

I decided to follow in the steps of Sarah and make an "already pretty" poll. It's basically a list of my 5 favorite things about my body. It's an attempt to stop focusing on the negative and focus on the things that are "already pretty." :D So without further ado...

Already Pretty
1. My eyes - color-changing beauty set in the perfect shape to allow expression and emotion to be conveyed easily. Plus they're sparkly and pretty. :)

2. My hair - I can rock it short or long, straight or curly, up or down, with no highlights or dye needed. Glorious!

3. My back - I love the way it looks in formal dresses and swimsuits when it's all tan. The dip toward my spine is just lovely.

4. My feet - they are small and adorable. I can find extra cute shoes because I get to shop in the little girls' department. And my toes look glorious when they are painted. And they're not so dainty that I can't still use them to kick a soccer ball.

5. My hands - besides the fact that they're pretty and rock fake nails or french manicures with ease, they are quite functional. Without them, I couldn't live out my dreams of being a writer. I love the way they write and type and entertain people when I get too excited about something and they get to flying. haha And they're great for tickling babies and punching my brothers.

So there's my "already pretty" poll. What's yours?