There is a corner of this store that contains old black and white photos that people apparently just didn't want anymore. Now I don't know if my mom just raised me right or if I'm a weirdo, but I have a strange passion for thigns from the old. I LOVE it! I stood for a good 15 minutes digging through this pile of pictures. There were baby photos and wedding photos and random photos. There were about 50 cents a piece so I picked out $5 worth and then forced myself to walk away. I loved looking at all those pictures and trying to figure out who the people in them were, where they were, what they were doing. It's interesting to me. It was sad at the same time because someone didn't feel that those pictures were important anymore so they just threw them out. It's tragic that someone's baby pictures and wedding pictures are being sold for 50 cents now. One of the pictures I bought has a story on the back of it. It's awesome! I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to do with the pictures I bought but I'll figure something out. I just couldn't leave them behind. I'm sure I'll be frequenting that little corner of Concho Confetti quite often now that I know what treasures it holds. If nothing else, the pics are good inspiration for stories. :)
(There's also a section of filled out postcards! One was from 1928!!! LOVE IT!!!)